1. Paint your model with gloss paint (highly recommended) or cover your model by gloss clear and make sure that the decal is FFA-compatible. THE MODEL SURFACE MUST BE TOTALLY SMOOTH AND GLOSSY! The decals have FFA logo or covered by safety paper. Be carefully with the FFA-decal and store it with the paper only.
2. THE MODEL SURFACE MUST BE TOTALLY SMOOTH AND GLOSSY! The entire sheet is covered by clear film. Cut an element and use it as a common decal. Put some water on model surface before transfer an element. Shift the element to model surface, pay max attention to smooth out it with wet cotton stick. No a bit of air bubles under the decal! The FFA technology works so good only with water, without any special liquids. But it possible to use soft (but not burnt!) liquids like Revell Softener or Mr. Mark Setter etc.* Place it on the model and over the decals with much quantity.
We HIGHLY recommend Mr. Mark Setter. It contains a glue that allow to forgive the mistakes.
*Check your liquid before using not needed elements like a logo or the set name/item number as example. The liquid must be make flexible decal only but not burnt it to model surface.
3. THE MODEL SURFACE MUST BE TOTALLY SMOOTH AND GLOSSY! The best result for removing the film is during 2-4 hours after the element has been transferred. It possible to remove the film after the period but smallest elements may be damaged. Pick up edge of the film by a small nail or modeller's knife. Remove the film gently and cover the model by a clear varnish.
THE MODEL SURFACE MUST BE TOTALLY SMOOTH AND GLOSSY! If you met a trouble: check the video with paper scotch method that works absolutely.
No a peace of a miracle in FFA technology - if works everytime if the surface is smooth and gloss. BUT! To smooth out the decal on the model surface is SO VERY IMPORTANT STAGE. Spent several minutes to smooth out. Remove all air and water under the decal.
It's example of insufficiently smooth out the decal. The paint was removed with film.
The same model, the same surface, the same modeller. Around 10 minutes of smooth out the decal. No a special liquids.